"Take Todd Tuesday" at St. Mary's Goodwill

You’ve heard the phrase “step into someone else’s shoes”. For many of us, that’s more about trying out a different way of thinking, not a literal action. But for Todd Violette of K-BAY 106.3 radio, it’s a weekly exercise that landed him as the newest member of the Goodwill St. Mary’s family!

Todd brought his “Take Todd Tuesday” program to the St. Mary’s store. As part of the program, Todd spends a few hours learning what it’s like to work at the organization he’s visiting. He certainly got the full experience at Goodwill Southeast Georgia.

Shane and Terry host Todd on a back-of-house tour at Goodwill St. Mary's

He started out with a tour of the Back-of-House with store manager, Terry and senior unit manager, Shane. Todd learned about sustainability initiatives at Goodwill Southeast Georgia. He learned if Associates decide an item can’t meet the standards for the retail floor, it can go to our Outlets to be sold at bulk price by the pound or to one of our aftermarket buyers. Those buyers then use the goods for their raw materials. It’s through this process Goodwill Southeast Georgia kept 12.5 million pounds of items out of the landfill last year alone.

Todd and Terry tour the retail floor at Goodwill St. Mary's

Then Todd toured the retail floor and was tempted to start shopping! “This place is dangerous for me,” says Todd. He learned how the sale of items in the retail stores adds to the cycle of good, funding Goodwill Southeast Georgia’s 5 regional Opportunity Centers providing free skills training and workforce development opportunities.

Terry and Todd putting on safety gloves

“Tour’s over—time to get to work,” Todd tells us. He enthusiastically stepped into the role of a donor greeter, helping to accept donations as people drive their cars through the donation lane, filled with items to drop off. Todd was a natural, joking with people coming through and thanking them for their donation.

Todd sorting donations coming into Goodwill St. Mary's

He then helped prepare the donations for the production staff to review for the sales floor, sorting them into the hard line and soft line bins.

Then he stopped by the pricing station to learn from Robert how items are labeled for sale. “This is like ‘Let’s Make a Deal,” Todd jokes.

Todd and Robert at the pricing station

After some awesome finds, including a retro video camera that records to VHS , a pair of Coach sneakers that were never worn, and some gently-used Nerf toys, Todd takes a break with some of the Associates for lunch and thanks them for the experience.

Todd and Robert looking at Nerf items priced for E-Commerce

“If you have stuff you can’t use anymore, take it to Goodwill and let them handle it,” says Todd,
“I think that’s the best message.”

Thanks for visiting, Todd! We had a great time sharing the “Cycle of Good” with you.

Todd and the Goodwill St. Mary's team
Ashlyn Flowers

Ashlyn Flowers

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