Ask Me Why I Love Goodwill: Kenyada's Story

Goodwill Southeast Georgia is excited to celebrate Goodwill Week May 5-11!

This is an annual celebration to remind the community of the no-cost educational and training resources available through Goodwill. We are more than a thrift store! Since 1965, Goodwill Southeast Georgia has helped people find pathways to a career, support their families, and feel the satisfaction that comes from stable employment. We invite you to be curious and get to know us a little better during Goodwill Week.

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Kenyada is a Safety & Loss Prevention Specialist at Goodwill Southeast Georgia. She shares how Goodwill leaders encouraged her to grow her leadership skills, giving her the confidence to go from cashier to assistant manager. Now, a new role in loss prevention is helping her gain valuable experience after earning her criminal justice degree.

You've grown your skills through several roles at Goodwill. Can you share more about your journey?

Kenyada: "When I started, I was also in school. I was attending Savannah State for my criminal justice degree...In the beginning of April I saw that a loss prevention specialist position was open.

So I just put the application in because when I got my criminal justice degree, I always knew I wanted to do something in that field. And when I saw that position, I'm like, this can get me like a step in the door to that criminal justice experience."

What is an experience at Goodwill that's had the most impact on you?

Kenyada: "Multiple people here and in the corporate have helped me so much, helped me break out of my shell. So they were just teaching me everything they know."

Why do you love Goodwill?

Kenyada:  "I would say the opportunities. Like when I've before I even started at Goodwill, I did not know how much resources and how many things they help employees, the community, everybody with."


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Ashlyn Flowers

Ashlyn Flowers

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